When Tally Weijl Meets Cozy

Oh my loves, this post will probably be the coziest of them all! I partnered with Tally Weijl yet again to pick some winter outfits, and accessories and took photos of them. I was the most excited about this coat! Is this a gorgeous coat or what? It kept me warm throughout the whole Vienna visit. You would think that faux fur is not warm at all (these were my thoughts until I purchased myself my first faux fur coat), since then I never really looked back haha. I think they’re the fluffiest most adorable thing ever! And the most crucial part is definitely that they really do keep you warm.

Another thing that I’m absolutely obsessed with when it comes to this coat is that it has a hood!! What’s there not to love about the hood?? If you forget to wear a hat, you just puul on the hood and there you go. Oh, I’m telling you, I’m obsessed!

Okay, another two things that I got were a hat and a scarf. I was looking for a humongous scarf that’s actually a hybrid, so half a scarf and half a blanket and I found it in Tally Weijl. It’s extremely warm but it’s also chic and stylish.

B U Y   C O A T


B U Y   H A T & S C A R F





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