Definitely yes! I’m so hooked up on off the shoulder trend! It’s super sexy, and your posture becomes so graceful in it! I almost transformed my entire closet into off the shoulder, accept pants. But if that was an option… Back to transformation; I found my mother’s vintage shirt and decided it needs off the shoulder shine, so I sat behind the sewing machine and voila.
First I’ve cut off upper part, put some elastic in it and then made a choker out of the collar but of course I lost the choker! #greatjob! Chokers and off the shoulder tops are a match made in heaven. They go together like French fries and ketchup! To spice up my new look I’ve pined some badge patches from Boohoo on, of course it has to be fast food, what else. #alwayshungry.
You can transform any shirt or even dress you find boring into something new and even more fun. All you need is an old or even a new shirt, some elastic, scissors, sewing machine (if you don’t own one, you can try sewing it by hand, it will take a little bit longer, but come on it’s for that off the shoulder shine) and that’s it. And don’t worry if your stitches are not as straight as you would like them to be, wrinkled elastic will hide that you are not Vera Wang. I hope you try it, it’s super fun!
I’ve combined my look with some white sneakers and shawl collar coat from Boohoo.
Photo: Sara Žigon
Love it! I will try this even though I am bad at sewing <3
It’s not hard gorgeous, if you need me I’m there for you <3