I had the most fantastic time at hair salon Vihar on Friday, you could see it all over my Instagram stories. Olaplex care was not only therapeutic for my hair, but I also got the chance to cuddle the most precious dog while Olaplex did a miracle on my hair… It was just a double win for me!
So to stop babbling, I’m going to explain what Olaplex is! Olaplex is not shampoo neither is conditioner, it’s the first and only hair restoration system with several protected patents. It’s an additive that helps restore damaged chemical bonds in the hair using a single active ingredient of bis-aminopropyl diglycol dimaleate. Olaplex works to connect single sulfur and hydrogen bonds, and forms and restores disulfide bonds in the hair that are damaged during chemical, thermal and mechanical processes of hair treatment.
Okay, that was extreme, right? Let me explain this in my language. Olaplex is a miracle maker! If you have damaged hair from constant bleaching and using hair straightener Olaplex is a solution! It heals your hair and restores ties in it! It’s suitable for any hair, but results are really amazing on a really damaged hair which is bleached (you need to know that bleaching is the most horrible thing you can do to your hair if it’s not bleached correctly by a professional!!) Olaplex also does not contain sulphates, phthalates, silicones, aldehydes, DEA, and is not tested on animals! ❤
There are three steps in the whole Olaplex process.
OLAPLEX No. 1 – Bond Multiplier
Is a product which is used ONLY in hair salons! This is the first step to your magnificent hair!
OLAPLEX No. 2 – Bond Perfector
It’s also a product which is used ONLY in hair salons! This is a second step to get your shiny and beautiful hair.
OLAPLEX No. 3 – Hair Perfector
This is the one you take home with you! It protects and prolongs the stability of reconstituted disulfide bonds in the hair structure, making the hair look healthy and free from damage for a long time. First you use shampoo, and you rinse it off, then you put Olaplex No.3 on your wet hair and just leave it there for half to two hours (remember, the longer you leave it on your hair, the better, just make sure your hair is wet all along, it will not work on dry hair). After two or even more hours you rinse everything off, apply shampoo and conditioner, rinse that off, and that’s it!
And that ladies and gentleman is how you get healthy and beautiful hair! My hair is a virgin hair, they haven’t been colored, bleached or anything else, and I don’t use hair straightener because my hair is already straight! Olaplex does miracles to damaged hair, and even if I don’t have damaged hair it left me 3 kg’s lighter, I swear! It feels like your hair is not even there I know that sounds silly, and NO your hair doesn’t fall off!! You need to try it on your own; it’s insane! Before using Olaplex I sometimes went through my hair with my hand, and I almost cried because half the way down my hand stuck in some random knot, but after using Olaplex, my hand can do twists and turns and it won’t get stuck! Do you know how revolutionary that is?
I loved visiting hair salon Vihar because Vanja (who is, by the way, the best hairdresser in the world) taught me SO MUCH about hair care that my mind was blown at the end and I almost started crying because I’ve been living a lie my whole life! So, if you need a professional to teach you all about hair care, you need to visit hair salon Vihar and don’t forget to ask for Vanja!
I already explained that Olaplex is not shampoo nor is a conditioner, both of these product washes out of your hair every time you use it, well not Olaplex. OLAPLEX DOES NOT WASH OUT FROM YOUR HAIR! I know, it’s a miracle!! Now I know what you’re asking, how is that possible or how long does it last then? Well, it lasts until your next use of hair straightener (which I already said DON’T DO IT) and it also lasts until you decide it’s time to get that color fixed! So long story short, it lasts until you decide to damage it again by coloring them or use a straightener! That’s kind of it!
Now the price, the whole Olapley care costs 70€, I know what you think, wow that’s a lot, but let me explain why is it worth it!
If your hair decided that the growth will stop at a certain type of length, it’s because you have damaged hair! If you try Olaplex, there’s no need for you to be scared every time you go to the hairdresser they’ll chop half of your hair off, because Olaplex takes care of them and the trimming will be implemented rarely in your hair routine! Isn’t that great??
Vanja also presented me the whole line of Moroccan oil hydrating line they’re selling in her hair salon and my mind was blown away! It’s better to give a little bit more to feed your hair with good and quality products. Oh, and another stuff about saloon products, they are very concentrated, so you don’t need to put like a whole fist of product on your hair. With Moroccan oil products you need to buy yourself an empty one DCL flask, and then you put Moroccan oil shampoo for about a pealed hazelnut quantity and fill that flask with water, so shampoo spreads everywhere! This is how much you need, nothing! This is how your product lasts for 5-6 months the same goes for using conditioner from the same line! Crazy right?
The price of the whole Moroccan oil hydrant line is 50€. You get a bottle of shampoo, conditioner, and oil, for everyday use! Shampoo and conditioner will last six months because of the quantity that is needed when you apply it to your hair. Shampoo must be applied twice, but I bet you already wash your hair with shampoo twice! The shampoo will not get all bubbly on your hair, so don’t worry that doesn’t mean it’s not working, trust me it’s working!
I’m so grateful for this experience, my hair looks GORGEOUS! I thought my hair was beautiful before I visited hair salon Vihar, but now, you have no idea how I’m going to brag with them everywhere I go 😛 I’m really thankful to Vanja who taught me everything I need to know about Olaplex and overall hair care because I really need to take care of them more!
So to all of my Slovenian ladies, if you want to have gorgeous and healthy hair visit hair salon Vihar in Šentjur and ladies will make a miracle, I promise!
To all of my foreign readers, please try Olaplex but make sure you go to hair salons that knows how to actually use it, some of hair dressers don’t (that feeling when you have a Ferrari in your garage, but don’t have a license).
If you have any other questions please ask, don’t be shy!! I highly recommend Olaplex treatment if you want your hair to look and to feel like unicorn tears!
Check out hair studio Vihar HERE
V petek, sem obiskala frizerski studio Vihar v Šentjurju, izkazalo se je, da ne bodo blaženi samo moji lasje po Olaplex negi, temveč sem s pestovanjem čudovitega italijanskega hrta od ”pocukranosti” skoraj zlezla iz stola.
Torej, če preneham z blebetanjem in se raje posvetim temu, kaj Olaplex sploh je? Olaplex ni niti šampon in ni niti balzam, gre za dodatek, ki pomaga obnoviti poškodovane kemijske vezi v laseh s pomočjo ene same aktivne sestavine bis-aminopropil diglikol dimaleata (uau kakšne velike besede kajne?) Olaplex vzpostavi vezi v laseh, ki se poškodujejo med različnimi kemičnimi ali toplotnimi obdelavami las.
Okej, vem da je bilo tole res malce preveč kemije, ampak naj povem za kaj dejansko gre ‘’po domače.’’ Če imaš poškodovane lase od konstantnega svetljenja ali uporabe likalnika za lase je Olaplex zagotovo tvoja rešitev! Primeren je za vsak las, rezultati pa so najbolj občutni in očitni pri zares poškodovanem lasu kar pa je posvetljen las, govorim namreč o peroksidu. Olaplex ne vsebuje silikonov, sulfatov, ftalatov, DEA, aldehidov in ni testiran na živalih❤
V celotnem Olaplex postopku so trije koraki
OLAPLEX No. 1 – Bond Multiplier
Je produkt, ki se ga uporablja samo v salonih in je prvi korak do tvojih svetlečih in čudovitih las.
OLAPLEX No. 2 – Bond Perfector
Tudi ta izdelek je namenjen samo za salonsko uporabo in je drugi korak do popolnih las!
OLAPLEX No. 3 – Hair Perfector
Ta produkt pa gre s teboj domov! Namenjen je temu, da ščiti in podaljša obstojnost obnovljenih vezi v laseh, zato so lasje videti zdravi in brez poškodb dlje časa. Kako ga uporabiš doma? Najprej si s šamponom umiješ lase in jih spereš z vodo, na mokre lase nato daš Olaplex No. 3 in nato počakaš od pol ure do 5 ur, zapomni si, dlje kot so lasje prepojeni z Olaplexom, lepše lase boš imel/a, pazi samo na to, da so lasje vlažni, saj na suhih laseh Olaplex ne deluje. Najbolje je, da mokre lase spneš z špangami in si na glavo daš plastično vrečko, ki jo v filmih uporabljajo pri tuširanju. Po pol ure, dveh ali petih urah, si lase ponovno speri, na lase še enkrat nanesi šampon ter balzam. Las si z brisačo ne drgni, ampak jih nežno ožemi z brisačo ali najbolje navadno bombažno majico.
In tako dragi moji dobimo zdrave in čudovite lase! Moji lasje so tako rekoč ”nedolžni lasje” to pomeni, da še nikoli niso bili barvani, kot majhna punčka nikoli niti nisem imela pramenov in po resnici me to ni niti privlačilo. Ne uporabljam likalnika za lase, ker so moji lasje že tako ali tako ravni. Olaplex resnično dela čudeže poškodovanim lasem in tudi, če moji lasje niso bili ne vem kako poškodovani, je bila razlika več kot očitna! Moja glava je bila kar naenkrat za 3 kg lažja. Pred nego Olaplex sem z rokami velikokrat šla skozi lase in moram ti povedati, da se je moja roka ustavila že na začetku, saj zaradi majhnih vozličkov nisem prišla niti do konca, sedaj pa lahko brez česanja z roko potegnem skozi lase in se mi roka ne bo ustavila, verjemi to je zame revolucionarno!
Kar pa mi je v frizerskem salonu bilo najbolj všeč pa je bila čudovita frizerka Vanja, katera je v moji glavi naredila eksplozijo potem pa vse še enkrat na novo vzpostavila. Najprej mi je iz glave izbila vse mite, ki sem jih imela o laseh in me naučila resnično ogromno o sami negi las. Torej, če želiš dobiti čim več informacij iz prve roke, se oglasi v frizerskem salonu Vihar in ne pozabi reči za Vanjo!
Omenila sem že, da Olaplex ni šampon in niti balzam, oba izdelka se namreč spirata iz las, Olaplex pa SE NE SPIRA IZ LAS! Ja, ja vem, čudež kajne? In ja, vem tudi kaj se sprašuješ, kako je to sploh možno in kako dolgo potem sploh zdrži? Oalplex se v lasu zadrži do trenutka ko ponovno obiščeš frizerja, da zakrije nastali narastek ali pa ko se sama odločiš da si boš vsak dan z likalnik gladila lase! Torej čisto na kratko, zdrži do trenutka, ko se odločiš, da boš uničevala lase z določenimi preparati.
Cena Olaplex tretmaja je 70€ in ja mogoče si misliš okej to je pa res preveč, ampak naj ti razložim zakaj je vredno!
Če se tvoji lasje nenadoma odločijo, da preprosto ne bodo več rastli je to zato, ker so poškodovani do te mere, da preprosto ne zmorejo več! Če uporabiš Olaplex se ti ni potrebno tresti kot šiba na vodi pri obisku frizerja, ker vsi vemo, da kadar pride do frizerja in rečeš:” Samo špice prosim” ti na koncu postrižejo polovico las z izgovorom, da so bili pač tako poškodovani! Z uporabo Olaplexa bo striženje redko v tvoji lasni rutini, ravno zaradi tega, ker Olaplex obnavlja lasno strukturo in je zato las dlje časa nepoškodovan! A ni to zakon?
Vanja mi je v salonu predstavila še eno linijo izdelkov, ki se jim ne more upreti nobena stranka, gre namreč za linijo izdelkov Morrocan oil. Kadar gre za nego las je vedno bolje dati malo več za kvaliteten izdelek kot pa da zapravljaš enormno količino v trgovinah in ti izdelki delajo metaforično sive lase! Kar je najboljše pri salonskih izdelkih je to, da pri vsakem pranju las uporabiš resnično minimalno količino izdelka ravno zaradi njihove visoke koncentracije! V DM drogeriji si kupiš flaške za 1 dcl, nato v flaško natočiš za olupljen lešnik Morrocanoil šampona vse ostalo pa napolniš z vodo, isto velja pri uporabi balzama! Izdelek zato zdrži do pol leta! Noro kajne?
Cena celotne Morrocan oil hidratantne linije je 50€. V prikupnem paketu dobiš šampon, balzam ter olje za lase. Vsi izdelki pa tako noro dišijo in pustijo res mehak in sijoč videz na laseh.
Noro sem hvaležna za tole čudovito izkušnjo, moji lasje izgledajo resnično čudovito. Hvaležna sem Vanji za vse kar me je naučila o Olaplex negi ter o splošni negi las. Ugotovila sem namreč, da je vse moje znanje o negi las ena sama laž!
Vsem mojim damam resnično priporočam, da se oglasite v frizerskem salonu Vihar in same preizkusite Olaplex nego, verjemite ne bo vam žal!
Če imaš še kakršnokoli vprašanje prosim vprašaj ❤
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