Meeting Budapest

This trip is so close to my heart and why is that? Well, it’s actually the first trip Žiga, and I took together for the very first time without any agencies or anything. One day we were eating (what else) in my kitchen and I just asked him a simple question:’’ Where are we going for our vacation?’’ What I had in mind was Maribor and vintage shopping, but then Žiga said where would you like to go? Vienna or Budapest? And my mouth just went dry. You know I’m that kind of a person who has everything under control and doesn’t like to be surprised… Well, I love surprises, but those unexpected things get me to the root, and I just can’t deal with them! But this time something was different, I immediately said Budapest, then we went to Airbnb, and we just booked the first room that was free for our three-day trip, and that was kind of it! I was so excited, but I hadn’t had time to explore where are we going, which sightseeing are we going to visit because I had an important shooting a day before we left so my thoughts and energy were focused on the shooting. I have to tell you this was the most spontaneous trip in my life and I had the most amazing time!

As I grow older, I appreciate seeing and exploring cities and their culture! I love to learn new things; I love to observe people and their gesticulation or stance. When we were in high school, none of us bothered to take time, stare at the most amazing buildings and be thankful! Well, I did it for the very first time in front of St, Stephen’s Basilica I just stare and think how people could create something so majestic and breathe taking? How?? So much has changed from high school within me. For this trip, I remember being so grateful that I had the chance to visit this amazing city and just feel the beat of it!

This post is not a travel guide since this was our first trip together, alone! We also visited Rome, Naples, and Pompeii but we went with an agency like three years ago, and it was just so exhausting but at the same time so beautiful. We decided that the next time no matter how scared we are of new experiences we will try to be on our own, and I’m happy we took time to really explore Budapest the right way… That’s with lots and lots of food and walking like crazy! I’m also happy that I had the chance to explore the city with Žiga which for me is being grateful on a whole new level.   I hope we visit Scotland in February, just imagine how full my heart will be then!  ❤

Vaci Street

Allami OperaHaz

Szent Istvan Bazilika

And the view fom it

Orszaghaz (The Parlament)

Magyar Nemzeti Muzeum(Hungarian national museum)

NewYork Cafe


  1. December 26, 2017 / 16:50

    Moram še v Budimpešto! Mi je fuuuul lepo mesto ❤️

    Čudovite fotke ‼️?

    • January 4, 2018 / 20:20

      Ja res je čudovito! Določene zgradbe ti res vzamejo dih! ❤❤

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